Image Doctors Intl

Promoting faith through fellowship,menthorship & professional growth We aim at serving our community with love through our professionals, bringing healing and hope to the deprived. Who we are
What we do

A Community empowered to thrive through Christ’s witnesses

We are committed to make our contribution towards a healthier community through service. Together, through unity and Love we will march on to the promised Land, a “healthier community”

Our Partners

Our Story

who we are

Also known CMDA Tanzania, this is a network of health professionals that aim at promoting the integration of one’s faith into their profession and personal life through fellowship, mentorship and professional growth. We aim at serving our community with love through our professionals, bringing healing and hope to the deprived. Image-doctors international is an affiliated member of the International Christian Medical and Dental association (ICMDA) from 2014.


ICMDA 2023


Testimonies from the 17th ICMDA World Congress, in Arusha Tanzania.


Research & Collaborations

We encourage students and healthcare workers to get involved in research activities and get their works published in peer reviewed international journals so as to contribute towards driving positive change in the community through local and international collaboration. Here are some works of our members published in peer reviewed journals.